Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Found....a husband with an obsession

That's right..... my dear husband Harvey is super obsessed with finding gold. You let the guy find a gold nugget and he gets that crazed gold fever look in his eyes and he can't talk or think about anything else. He and his friend Jack have been eating sleeping and dreaming about gold for the last month. I call myself the prospecting widow now, since it looks like he is going to be gone every weekend from now on. Maybe he will find a lot more gold and we can pay off some of our debt.

We still haven't been able to find Harvey a job. Sadly. It seems like everyday on the news more and more people are being laid off and it's a little scary. At least for now we are getting a little through unemployment benefits, but when that runs out I don't know what we will do.

Until then I will stay positive, something has to come up.

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